1. 一個條款(clause)只規範一項權利義務關係。
2. 合約是拿來實際運用的。永遠等不到句點的句子,早就已經過時了!
3. 傳統用語在台灣仍是重要,如IN WITNESS WHEREOF, ...恐口說無憑,特立此約為證。
4. Hereinafter是指以下簡稱。如hereinafter referred to as the "Owner",其中以下簡稱文字可省略。
5. Payment amount "due"債務到期
6. Notice通知條款
7. Attachment附件
8. Covenants and warrants保證條款與承諾條款
9. Waive棄權解釋限制條款
10. The count agreed to合意管轄
11. Terms and conditions交易條件
12. Thereof 或the same需看上下文判斷
13. May(=can)& shall: may指得,shall指應為。
14. Will: 預料發生但非屬當事人能夠控制的事項,如the seller shall(應) ensure that all the information will(可能有誤) be correct and complete...
15. Would未來不確定是否發生的事實
16. Have/has:過去發生的事實,因合約文字常力求簡潔,鮮有用had+Vpp的機會。
17. Cannot:未來可能發生的事實
18. Ought to, should, used to, need, dare均屬少見的助動詞。
19. 標題、序文、主文條款、結尾辭。
20. 序文(分為commencement&recitals/preambles):this agreement is made by and between/among:被誰訂定&誰與誰之間的合意。
21. 自然人:a national of...或an individual with the nationality of...;法人:a company organized(incorporated) and existing under the law of(place)...
22. Registered office註冊所在地& principal office主(實際)營業所。
23. 若希望合約能有溯及效力,可在日期上使用as of,如agreement made as of January 23, 1998 by between...,可得知雙方非在上述時間點簽署,但是雙方是在時間點達成簽約之合意。
24. Recitals/preambles是由數個whereas clause所組成。表示當事人乃是基於對這些事實的共同認識,訂立此合約。
25. Whereas clause後會有now therefore, the parties, in consideration(約因) of the terms and conditions hereunder, hereto agree as follow:
26. 約因:英美法契約上原則上沒有約因,不得成立。
27. Supplemental clause:補充(第一份合約)性質的合約,於whereas clause處說明來由。
28. 結尾辭:
*Duly(充分地) authorized representatives,可要求對造提供這個授權的董事會決議證明,以妥善保護自己的權益)。
*the date and year first written above,該日期與合約前面序文所載日期需相同,若不同時,應另以條款明定合約生效日,以免產生爭議。
24. Notary public較偏向認證行為,通常不同地區分別簽署同一份合約時,台灣可能將認證工作交給大型律師事務所,律師簽字後並記載一段認證文字,如Signature is witnessed by 事務所名on the 15th day of October 1998, at 地點, Taipei, Taiwan.或其他類似敘述。
25. ...each Payment Date (as defined hereinafter). 此為定義條款之說明。
26. Individual特別表示自然人(natural person),而完全排除法人的概念。而any third person,究竟包括何者,則需加入定義條款。
27. For the purpose of this Agreement/Section,...本約中/本節中...(特定部分)。Affiliate係指關係企業。而In relation to an individual指就自然人而言,是針對特定概念,以in relation to 來界定。
28. ...as are specified in Attachment A hereto. 如附件A表列。attachment=annex=exhibit=schedule.
29. 專業用語shall be interpreted in accordance with(依據) "Incoterms 1994".
30. ..., wherever situated. 所在地在所不問。Costs, charges and expenses of every description. 各種形式的金錢支出。
31. Court(=tribunal)法院。
32. Subject to(=in accordance with) the terms and conditions set out(provided for所規定) in this Agreement,...依據本合約所規定之各項條件,...。
33. 交易條件條款:繼續性合約以terms of transaction作標題,非繼續性合約規範的則是closing即成交的各相條件。通常會約定交付順序。
Due and payable債務到期(又可為immediately due and payable或immediately payable),已經到了應履行(enforceable)的時點。
34. 付款工具:現金付款最為簡單,但金額大時,可能約定用票據支付。negotiable check指可因背書或交付移轉的支票,而negotiable instruments即為票據。in form and substance satisfactory to the Seller中,form是指形式要件,substance則是實質要件(絕對必要記載事項及相對必要記載事項,另有得記載事項)。
35. 保證條款與承諾條款(representations and warranties; covenants),針對過去曾經發生或現在存在可能影響合約效力的事實,保證為確實不虛假的條款。
36. 當事人所為Representations聲明不虛假。
37. Warranty通常指商品品質、用途等保證,另有所謂隱含保證implied warranty,指雖在合約中明定,但仍為當事人應負的隱含保證責任,如電蚊拍本來就應該有殺死蚊子的功用。但此對當事人屬於難以掌控的風險,因此合約常加入免責條款(disclaimer)或責任限制條款,如the Seller makes no other warranties, expressed(明示) or implied(默示), including but not limited to, merchantability(銷售性), suitability(適用性), or fitness for special purpose(可用於特殊目的). 但合約同時規定,有義務提供替代方案或短時間內排除瑕疵。
38. Covenants則指當事人對於未來事情承諾一定的作為或不作為(negative covenants)。
39. The Seller hereby represents and warrants as to itself that:...
40. Legal entity指法律主體,如自然人、法人等,作為合約之當事人。
41. In good standing指一家公司合法、有效存在的一種表徵。
42. Authorize the "execution(簽署), delivery and performance(履行)" of this Agreement...指關於合約的簽署和履行,而delivery的意思已不可考。
43. Do not violate any legal requirements(法律要件) in the Republic of China as of the date hereof.
44. 聲明以下五種:
Company A is a company limited by shares duly incorporated under the laws of the Republic of China and operates its business properly in accordance with all applicable laws and relations. 或company A is a duly organized legal entity, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of California.
Company A has all requisite power and authority to carry on its business as now conducted and as proposed herein. Company A also has all requisite corporate power to enter into this Agreement.
The execution and delivery of this Agreement by Company A and the transactions completed hereby have been duly and validly authorized, and all necessary corporate action has been taken in due course in accordance with this Agreement to make this Agreement a legal, valid and binding obligation of Company A, enforceable in accordance with its terms.
Company A's entry into and performance of its obligations under this Agreement do not violate any legal requirement in the Republic of China as of the date hereof or any material agreement to which it is a party.
45. 擔保條款(indemnification/hold harmless):英文合約中,尤其是租賃、地上權設定等僅提供使用權,而未移轉所有權的合約,因第三人對當事人提起訴訟或損害賠償請求,造成他方當事人損害,當事人須補償負擔最終損失。如A irrevocably covenants, promises and agrees(擔保) to indemnify B and to hold B harmless from and against any and all losses, claims, expenses, suits, damages, costs, demands or liabilities, joint or/and several(連帶責任關係,如the Guarantor保證人 shall be jointly and severally liable for the Principal's被保證人 performance hereunder), of whatever kind or nature which B ...
46. Including, without limitation=including, without conclusion=including, but not limited to...
47. 保密條款(confidentiality):包含不洩露及不濫用(限制使用資訊的範圍),如All information disclosed by one party to another in connection with this Agreement shall be kept confidential by the receiving party and shall not be used otherwise than in connection with this Agreement(不得為本合約規範目的以外之使用).
48. 約定保密原因。
49. 規範對象(人及資訊),如Documents including information recorded in any form.
50. 資訊的秘密性,可能不限於合約有效存在期間,即使不存在,仍應受保密條款的拘束,此稱為存續條款(survival clause)。
51. 違反其效果,實為難以舉證,合約通常事先約定損害賠償總額(liquidated damages),或以違約金(default penalty)的方法來規範,因此只要能證明違反之事實,即可依約請求賠償,無須再證明自己到底損失了多少,而使該條款形同具文。
52. 保密條款之例外,如法院要求揭露某項受保護的資料時,不違反保密條款。
53. 紛爭解決條款(dispute resolution):程序方面有協商(無強制力)、仲裁、訴訟。若合約有載明合意仲裁,對方仍起訴時,得請求法院在程序上予以駁回,必須待仲裁程序而無結果時,始可進行訴訟。
54. 英文合約中Process agent送達代收人與我國有別,僅屬於雙方當事人為便利之實際需要所約定的文件收受代理人,收受範圍不限於法院文件,且指定代理人亦無需經法院程序。
55. 另,實體方面則有準據法問題。
56. 協商條款(negotiation and arbitration clause)
Best efforts盡力(=shall use his best endeavors=shall do his utmost=shall use due diligence=shall take all reasonable steps)、good faith善意,均為抽象概念。
57. 仲裁條款內容包括機構、地點、費用及仲裁時所使用的仲裁規則,for the time being(=at the relevant time) in force指紛爭發生當時有效的仲裁規則。
58. 管轄法院(jurisdiction for court action):合意管轄法院,放棄對其他法院起訴的權利,如違反,應撤銷訴訟,費用負擔等。venue指有管轄權的法院,domicile(住所,僅有一個)指一個人真實、固定並且永久居住場所,即使因某因素離開,主觀上仍有回來的意思,其與residence(居所,可能數個)。dismissal(駁回) without prejudice指不會產生一事不再理效力之駁回,即在程序上作出了駁回,但只要補正後,仍得就相同訟因提起訴訟。
59. 法院的通知送達該送達代收人時,就視同已經送達當事人了,至於當事人何時才真正知悉,則與法院及他方當事人無關。民訴402二款之本人是否包括送達代收人,實務上仍無判例可循。
60. 準據法(governing law; applicable law)指約定使用哪一國的法律來規範本合約關係。如this agreement shall be construed in accordance with and governed by the law of... 本契約的準據法為...法律。
61. 仲裁判斷及法院判決交互承認的問題:若他方承認我國法院判決,自是我國法院取得管轄權為佳;倘不被承認,不如在合約中約定在第三地仲裁或為管轄法院。另外,外方控告機會大於我方,則以我國為管轄法院較有應訴上的便利。
62. 合約(權利義務)的移轉(assignment):移轉前須經承認或僅通知對方。如this Agreement and any rights granted hereunder shall not be assigned by A to any individual, firm or corporation without the prior written consent of B, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. 此處係指必須要有正當理由始得拒絕他方的某種行為。另亦可視情況記載說明正當理由及舉證拒絕理由確屬正當。
63. 完全合意條款與合約的修改(entire/complete agreement/ modifications to be in writing):當事人針對同一事項,曾經在訂約前有任何口頭或書面約定,既然未記載於合約內,自然不再算數,亦即該合約為唯一依據。避免當事人爭執本合約訂立後已經被新合約所替代,故而約定修改須以書面為之。
the parties.
64. 合約之期間與更新(term and renewal):the ten of this Agreement shall be 5 years from the effective date(會涉及溯及既往), unless sooner terminated(合約終止權屬於違約效果之一)by either or both parties. This Agreement shall automatically be renewed(常青條款,長期性供給契約所常見) for an additional one year unless notice expressing the intent of the contrary is sent by either party at least 60 days before the date on which the term of this Agreement is fulfilled.
65. 競業禁止條款(non-competition clause):屬於承諾條款(covenant)之一種型態,將其獨立出來以強調其重要性。存在兩種情形,一為在職或或離職,其二係轉讓後退出市場等。如The parties hereby warrant that they are not engaged in and will not engage either directly or through subsidiaries(子公司、從屬公司) or associated companies(聯屬公司,如董事長為同一人、互為兄弟或互為轉投資關係等,此等可列名單), in activities included in the business of the Joint Venture unless agreed to by the Parties in writing. 另外,我國營業項目採登記制度,宜僅限於其核心業務,以免發生登記項目競業。
66. 違約條款(default clause):不外乎為瑕疵修補義務、違約金及契約終止權。(1) defect, notify, rectify(修補), specified time, refuses, rescind(撤銷、解除)the Contract.(2)default penalty. Penalty懲罰性違約金&damage損害賠償金:security deposit(押金)、retain(沒收,保留)、liquidated damages(違約金總額)。
(3)right of termination(合約終止權):終止權存在於繼續性合約中,僅使合約效力向後消滅,而解除則是讓已經成立的合約溯及既往歸於消滅,使關係回復至沒有訂約前的狀態。
67. 雜項條款(miscellaneous):語言、部分有效、標題效力、棄權、不可抗力、通知等。
(1)this Agreement is written in the English language. In case of any discrepancy between the English version and any translation thereof, the English text shall govern.
(2)部分有效(severability):民訴中有專屬管轄,若合約約定因而發生爭執,均由另一個非不動產所在地法院為管轄,此合意管轄當然違背法律而無效,整個合約無效?不,僅某條款無效,把其從合約裡拿掉(sever),其餘皆為有效。如illegal, invalid, or unenforceable(不合法、無效、無法履行),without affecting the legal and economic substance of the transactions in a manner adverse to any party指拿掉不合法後,不會讓當事人權益受到不利影響,其餘部分仍有效。
(4)棄權解釋限制條款(waive not to be construed as continuing or subsequent waiver):用來對付賴皮的當事人!
(5)不可抗力條款(force make ire):act of God 指直接、排他性由自然力所造成的天災,非人為。
(6)通知條款(notice provision):
67. 合約的附件(attachments):如please see Exhibit 2或please refer to Schedule 5. 附件名稱有attachment, exhibit(文字敘述), schedule(報表或圖片), annex, list或table等。附上其他合約公司內部授權依據、專業人士意見書等,附件不懂處,一定要跟公司負責該項業務之人共同瞭解內容是否與簽約目的相同。
參考 劉承愚的如何閱讀英文合約。